
Wim Deputter defending a sweep by planting his head, sweeps don't work, unsweepable, sweep defense , the mirroring principle, BJJ Globetrotters Zen Camp 2020, become unsweepable

Wim Deputter defending a sweep attempt with a headstand at the BJJ Globetrotters Zen Camp 2020, foto by Crisitiana Theodoli

Sweeps don’t work!

…or they get easier to defend at least if you have a great headstand 🙂

Check out the video’s in my “Unsweepable” series and learn how defend and counter the most common sweeps!

Become Unsweepable

In this playlist I will go over the mechanics of a proper headstand, how you can use that headstand to become much harder to sweep, a counter to the classic scissor sweep and much more…

Let me know what you think in the comment section. Sharing is caring 😉

The Mirrorring Principle 

Unsweepable by Wim Deputter

This is how I roll Jiu Jitsu training philosophy by Wim Deputter the mirroring principle

Wim rolling with Liza, photo by Morgane Gielen

This is how I roll – The Mirroring Principle by 

Whenever I roll on training with someone I don’t know…

I like to start standing, let them get their grips and let them choose top or bottom.

Training is not always to see if I can beat someone with my A game.
It’s most often  to check if I can play your game, defend myself and still come out on top.

The harder people go, the calmer I go. When they go hard (and they often do ?) they get tired in the first few minutes. I keep pushing the same pace.
When it’s someone who goes slow as well, we have a nice technical roll. You build respect and trust for later, more higher paced rolls.

If I can allow someone’s A game while rolling calm and still come out on top. I know I can do the same thing playing my A game.

I train seven days a week, never refuse a roll with anyone, never sit a round out and usually take the first roll with new students. This way you meet all kinds of people. Some aggressive, some calm, some heavy and some light.

This is the safest way to train jiu jitsu and be ready for anyone facing you. Probably the only way you can train a lifetime with minimal injuries.

Along the way you might even convince some douches to take the same approach and ultimately make rolling safer for everyone. Creating an environment where you can safely take risks. Taking risks, allowing bad positions, getting out of your comfort zone are the only way to learn.

It sets an example for beginners. If we roll hard, they will copy that. If we roll slow and technical, they will copy that.

Before a hard roll, you have to build trust and respect first.

Competition is for testing yourself against people you haven’t build trust with yet.

The Mirroring Principle training philopophy
Wim Deputter

Wim Deputter pressure passing

Wim applying pressure to pass a training partner’s guard , photo by Morgane Gielen

The Rules of Pressure in Jiu Jitsu

Moving the body of your opponent requires energy, especially if it’s a strong person.
Instead of moving your opponent, be tight; get a grip, bring your elbows to your hips and your hips to your elbows, turn in a hip.
Make it hard for your opponent to move because of your pressure. Make your pressure so unbearable he has to move. Make it so tight every move he makes, costs him energy.
When your opponent has moved, the situation has slightly changed, adapt to the new situation by changing your grip(s) and move yourself a bit closer, maybe turn in the other hip. Keep repeating this pattern and thus climb the ladder, inch by inch closer to your goal: submitting your opponent.

Check out Wim Deputter’s Instructional; The Mirroring Principle – The Hidden and Essential Mechanics of Pressure Passing