Master practical self defense tactics that could save your life with Brasa black belt and world-renowned instructor, Wim Deputter

Applying Wim Deputter’s “The Mirroring Principle”, you’ll learn to meet pressure with pressure until your opponents overcommit and give you an opportunity gain the upper hand

Wim Deputter BJJ Fanatics The Mirroring Principle Fundamental Self Defense

Wim Deputter – The Mirroring Principle
Fundamental Self Defense

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What Will You Learn?

In Fundamental Self Defense, Brasa black belt and world-renowned instructor Wim Deputter will give you the physical and mental tools you need to EFFECTIVELY HANDLE YOURSELF in a real-life altercation so that you can have the best chance possible of defending yourself in the worst of situations! Applying his patented “mirroring principle”, to fundamental self defense concepts, Wim Deputter will show you how to counter pressure with pressure until your opponents exaggerate their movements and unknowingly give you a chance to put things in your favor!

No one likes to think about it but the truth is that self-defense scenarios can happen out of nowhere. ARE YOU PREPARED? Practical self-defense could be more important than you think. The concepts in this series are easy to learn and could possibly save your life!

In the first of three parts, Wim Deputter will instruct you on everything from de-escalation, how to avoid fights, rules of self-defense, and closing the distance, among other ESSENTIAL CONCEPTS. In the second part, you’ll cover standing tactics like framing, head positioning, getting to the back, and much more! No self-defense toolbox is complete without some groundwork and that’s how you’ll round out your instruction with Deputter in part 3. You’ll discover important guard concepts tailored to respond to specific reactions from an attacker and even some drills to help you commit some CRITICAL DETAILS to muscle memory!

Don’t leave your self defense to chance. Wim Deputter has put together a fantastic library of not only life-saving techniques but also a guide to the psychological side of the street altercation. Remember, the best self-defense is always to avoid the conflict in the first place but we’re not always given that option. Make sure you’re prepared and ready to respond should the need ever arise!

Armdrag To The Back

‘Wim Deputter – The Mirroring Principle
Fundamental Self Defense’